Blogging Blog

Improve lives, improve organisation and improving the world

December 20, 2006


If you feel the weight of circumstance pulling you down from achieving all your dreams, I believe you are at the right place because today, I am going to show you a practical way of CHANGING LEVELS; is it from being single to becoming married, from being unemployed to employed or for whatever level you […]

Blogging Blog
November 28, 2006


Hi Dipo,   I have a guy who have asked me to marry him and I have prayed about it, I have a conviction that he is the right person for me, but the problem I have is that I don’t like the way he looks, his dress sense and anytime we are together and am conscious […]

Blogging Blog
November 24, 2006

Help! NYSC Terminated my Relationship

Wow its weekend again, TGIS. This is the first in an ongoing series of “ask D POeT” and I would encourage my dear readers to advise Mr. NYSC on what he should do to combat this serious emotional pain he is going through. I would want your no holds bar and sincere advice by putting […]

Blogging Blog
November 22, 2006


Have u ever wondered why countries with high spiritual(mystical) atmosphere tend to be poor, backward and worse of all, have a high traffic of emmigrants? Why countries with low moral value tend to be prosperous, forward-thinking and worse of all, have a high traffic of immigrants? This things worry me, it appears not to be logical […]

Blogging Blog
November 20, 2006

ask D POeT!

My dear readers, The POeT Team is introducing a new segment into DIPO TEPEDE.POeT titled “ask D POeT”. On this segment, personal issues would be analyzed, synthesized, opined and hopefully resolved by the POeT team and my faithful commentators. Everybody would be bringing their experience, their opinions, their comments and their spirit-led advice to bear […]

Blogging Blog
November 13, 2006


It’s exactly 5 years from the time I had my convocation ceremony for my Bachelors degree and I can’t but reflect on the journey thus far. Taking stock of my dreams back then and seeing the fulfillment of those dreams re-enforces my resolve that dreams do come true. One of the turning-point of my life […]

Blogging Blog
November 7, 2006

Is Experience the Best Teacher?

I have come to understand that decision making is one of the hardest tasks to accomplish especially between two immutable things. You can not help but think the pathway you forsook for the one you are taking may be the right one after all. This thought in itself is very troubling and a sense to […]

Blogging Blog
November 3, 2006


It’s been 5 months since I had launched this site and the traffic to this site has exploded in an exponential manner. And who else to thank but God who is my source of inspiration in every step I take and my dear readers especially those who give feedback through comments, filling the contact forms […]

Blogging Blog
October 29, 2006


Hey peeps, Whats your take on the recently concluded This Day Music Festival? I saw an article mailed to me by a dear friend and I decided to share it with you. He speaks poignantly on his views concernimg the awards and the effects of the award on the socio-economy strata of Nigeria. This is not […]

Blogging Blog
October 25, 2006

Right versus Successful Too

Wow, I just resumed from a 4-day break from work, and I utterly had a good rest. Well didn’t we all, especially those living and working in Nigeria. The topic above is a sequel to a heated discussion I had with my dear readers on this blog and a must-write for me in order to substantiate […]

Blogging Blog
October 10, 2006

Female Twist!

I want to share some interesting write-ups I read today with my dear readers. Am I not cool? Please, kindly read on…… 1) A miracle, kindly right-click the link below and open on a new window http://reached-the-top–     2) Why the world is full of unmarried big girls, kindly right-click the link below and open […]

Blogging Blog
October 3, 2006

Creativity versus Business

“Wisdom is not better than money; it is the commercial value of wisdom that is better” – paraphrased from Proverbs 3: 13-15, KJV Bible.   I was totally dumbfounded and interested after taking a peek at the monies charged by various comedians that participated in my company’s anniversary party. The money was quite huge and […]

Blogging Blog