
October 3, 2006

Creativity versus Business

“Wisdom is not better than money; it is the commercial value of wisdom that is better” – paraphrased from Proverbs 3: 13-15, KJV Bible.


I was totally dumbfounded and interested after taking a peek at the monies charged by various comedians that participated in my company’s anniversary party. The money was quite huge and I was very happy for the participating artist. Why? You may wonder. Well, the entertainment business in Nigeria is actually maximizing the tool called business. The Nigerian artists have finally understood the power of numbers and how the frequency of this traffic can be optimally utilized to create mega box. 



There is always a conflict between creativity and business. While the former is enjoyed by those apt in it, the latter becomes a burden they must carry in order to satisfy their present bills and economic demands. The fusion of these two entities (creativity and business) is hallmark of greatness extending to true happiness. Each time, I remember great artist like “Papy Luwe”, “Baba Sala”, I see people who loved their craft but failed to transform this craft into business opportunities.


This is the dilemma that befalls numerous skilled personnel turned entrepreneur. They major on their skill and abandon the business angle. They tell themselves they love what they do and continue lavishing in poverty. They look at an economical independent person with envy and put up a front that they love what they are doing. Loving what you are doing is one thing; making money from it is another. There is a defined sequence to making money that actually makes business a science. Get a good value (product, service, or skill), connect the value to a niche market, promote the value to the niche market, make the value accessible to the niche market, acknowledge the customer as your boss and let your bosses compensate your value through their wallets.


These are the common steps of excellent business practices and though they appear quite simple, they are very extensive in their application. Each step must be carried with subtle and careful precision, if there is any hope of success. Let’s take an example of a talented singer whose talent is evident by the response of the crowd when taking solo in a church service but is economically challenged. He/she leaves the obvious creativity and looks for any job in order to pay his/her bills. This is a very pathetic state because each time he/she looks at a successful musician, there is a leap in his/her heart.


How do we get out of this ditch that most people find themselves? There are various methods but the one that readily comes to mind is the biography of Sean Combs (aka P.Diddy or Puff Daddy) who finished from Howard University and joined the music industry as an apprentice producer without pay. He grew through the ranks and produced his first hit with Mary J. Blidge and the rest was history. The principle used by Sean Combs is called the Oak Tree Principle whose seed is so small and very insignificant that the difference in proportion of the seed compared to the matured tree is very huge.


This is the principle adapted by most successful people; join the business end as an apprentice to your talent, develop the business know-how in that particular field, network with the talents in the field and take your calculated risk. This way is sure though not popular and obviously not easy.


Have you seen “The Apprentice: Martha Stewart”? Wow, you really need to see it if you are interested in managing and leading various projects now and in future. It is a reality show where sixteen talented individuals from various fields were interviewed for one position titled apprentice of Martha Stewart. Martha Stewart is the first female American billionaire with various investment portfolios and businesses ranging from Media, Magazines, and Food. The interview comprises various projects from selling a product to accomplishing a set vision. For more on The Apprentice: Martha Stewart, Click HERE


Why am I referring to this show? The show will detail to you in an entertaining manner, the essence of business in creativity. It will make you understand that creativity without business is a foolhardy.

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About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....