Infotainment Review

Articles reviewing latest happenings in the world

February 21, 2013

What is Chromebook?

I keep telling myself that nothing will impress me anymore in personal computing after the unibody experience of the Macbook Pro but was I so wrong? Google offers a wholesome experience at a very affordable minimum price of 199 USD. This time Google has over impressed me at least with the cost of such brilliant […]

Infotainment Review
March 24, 2012

Rock City here we come….

Playing a big part in someone achieving his or her dreams is actually priceless. Remember the first walk of your first child – the smile that radiates on your face truly comes from the heart. All the money in the world cannot buy such gift. This is the feeling I get when I get a […]

Infotainment Review
March 8, 2012

Are you looking for a JOB?

If you are seriously looking for a corporate job, there are some important things to note:   Despite insinuations and perceptions, there are job vacancies everywhere but lack of “right” personnel to fill in the job. Employers are more eager to get the “right” person for the job than employees. Employers go all the way […]

Infotainment Review
December 27, 2011

Quantity to Quality

For most forward thinkers, this season forces them to reflect and cast new visions for the New Year. For those sane people who would set new standards and avoid undergoing the same dysfunctional process day-in, day-out, I wish them well as they would need courage to achieve such dreams. The truth is that I am […]

Infotainment Review
December 1, 2011

Close Up in Obtainer Magazine

 Last month, November 2011, I had the honor of being featured in Obtainer Worldwide – the biggest MLM and direct sales magazine in Europe and the Middle East – in a close up story titled; “Multi-Level Marketing creates New Millionaires in Nigeria.” The story takes a cursory look at the MLM situation in Nigeria highlighting […]

Infotainment Review
November 22, 2011

MicroSoft Project – Basic to Advance

If you have gone through any Project Management Training or you have/had experience working as a project manager, it’s time to integrate project applications to your everyday dealings by making project delivery seamless, more effective and efficient. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Prerequisite for Attendance It’s 100% hands-on and practical. All delegates must come with their laptops and notebooks […]

Infotainment Review
November 14, 2011

Financing Affordable Housing in Nigeria

I was recently invited to a seminar at the Chamber of Commerce on Affordable Housing in Nigeria though I was not able to attend; my colleague was duly represented and sent me the report. I liked what I saw and decided to post it for public consumption. Please, kindly note that I have no connection with the organizers […]

Infotainment Review
October 23, 2011

How to get 30-days Free 4G Internet Broadband

About 4years ago, I read an article blogged by Gbenga Sesan titled something like “Take away your VISA and give us Broadband”. It was actually incisive and revelatory at the same time. He argued that if electric power and broadband became a ubiquity, we would have fewer people on queues in the VISA offices. He […]

Infotainment Review
October 6, 2011

Full Scholarship Offer

I have asked myself several times why it is important to keep score of success and to continuously remind myself about the “why” I do what I do. Exactly September 2010, we started our Project Management (PM) class not having an idea where it will lead us – our mission was simple – provide quality […]

Infotainment Review
May 26, 2011

Check Your Weight and Make Money

Back in my undergrad days, I wondered why students were crazy about their weights. Whenever weight guys (permit me to call them that) come around chanting; “check your weight” – almost everyone wants to check their weight. It wasn’t as if we had anything to worry about since the school routine forces us to be […]

Infotainment Review
May 22, 2011

Earn Up to 80K Monthly

Jobmag is our new bi-weekly publication, which advertises job vacancies in and around Nigeria. The publication is regularly updated with both corporate and non-corporate positions, periodic training sessions, news and trends in the job market. With this medium, we aim to reach the hundreds and thousands youths looking for jobs and provide a platform for […]

Infotainment Review
May 9, 2011

20 Reasons Why Join Rotary

I joined Rotary Club last year and it has been a great ride for me – their motto “Service above Self” resonates with my core belief. In other to promote such great cause, I invited Kunle Sonukan, the Charter President of Rotary Club, Ishara Golden, to our ongoing Project Management Class in May to speak […]

Infotainment Review