
April 12, 2011

Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills

4633245905 5cdc15b872 MPlease, do not waste your precious time reading this post if you’re not considering entrepreneurship as a near-by option. Also it is important to let you know that this write-up is neither about money-making nor about getting rewards. Then who is it for?  It is strictly for those who want to sharpen their entrepreneurship mentality – it is for those working class executives who feel the thump of entrepreneurship in their hearts but have not had the room to express it. I hope they receive the epiphany that comes with this write-up..


Being a self-employed entrepreneur for 4-years now after 6-years corporate experience, I have realized that almost all problems occur in the mental realm. If I can mentally picture myself obtaining something, it is almost certain I will get it if I work towards it. The truth is that as one grows mentality, every other thing grows with the person especially making money. In order to grow mentally, you must be able to apply yourself in that chosen field and depending on your growth curve; you are most likely going to make mistakes, learn from it, make mistakes again and learn from it and the cycle continues.


Learning from these mistakes is what makes you an expert in that chosen field. So the word expert can simply mean someone who has made a lot of mistakes in his chosen field and learns from them. In the bible, the word Canaan signifies a promise land – a land filled with milk and honey. Everyone wants to reach his or her idea of this land but I realized that getting milk from the cow involves waking up very early, entering and smelling the dirt of the cow before milking it. Similar process applies to the honey except that you may get stung by the bee when collecting the honey.


The interpretation of the above paragraph simply means there is no FREE lunch in Freetown. If entrepreneurship is what you seek, you must start applying yourself in that area of expertise. Leave your comfort zone and seek companies and friendship in that area. If Company B pays lower than Company A and Company B is likely to take you to the promise land, your choice must be Company B. Time is too short to burden yourself with everyday bills – living a purposeful life will make you rich beyond your wildest imagination.


For those seeking self-employed entrepreneurship, marketing and selling is a skill you can never do without. No matter the dream, you must understand the rudiments of marketing and selling as you will surely be the Chief Marketing Officer except you seek a partner that is highly skilled in the area of marketing and buys into your vision. The chances of getting someone like that at your start-up season are negligible. So the only person that must acquire the skills and techniques to milk the cow is you and you can guess who will enter the beehive?


Let’s get it straight, you can never acquire this skill by reading or going for lectures. You must get your hands dirty; you must be able to practice what you dream. In the light of the above, I am hosting an Entrepreneurial Roundtable Meeting that will highlight on Maximizing Entrepreneurial Skills in the Workplace. This meeting will also kick off a sales competition that will sharpen your entrepreneurial skill. It will make you project, analyze and segment your target market. This meeting is strictly for entrepreneurs who are part of the workforce.


Date: Monday, 2nd May 2011

Venue: Imperial Chinese Restaurant, Ajose Adeogun, VI

Time: 2pm to 5pm

Maximum No of Participants: 10


To be a part of this crucial meeting, kindly send a profile of yourself including work history and entrepreneurial achievement (if any) to me{at}dipotepede{dot}org and include Entrepreneurial Roundtable Meeting as the subject head. Let’s make this year’s worker’s day worthwhile and move our lives forward……





Infotainment Review
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....