
June 16, 2010

Driving Safe @ Nite

2923661721 Ab536f8cdf MI really don’t enjoy driving at night and somehow I guess most people share my sentiment because according to a literature1, only 10% of road miles are driven in the dark and the strange part is that 48% of road fatalities occur at night: If fewer people use the road at night and approximately half of road accidents occur at night, then there must be something dire about driving at night. Reading further into the same literature1, I realize that at night our pupils dilate, and we become short-sighted, though glare, halos, and reduced peripheral vision all contribute to ocular tiredness.

7323 25050750226Another annoying part about driving at night, especially on a double lane that permits driving in opposite directions, is the bright light from head lamps that seems to blind the driver coming from the opposite direction. This particular incident has caused so many unforeseen disasters; last December, a neighbor friend experienced a ghastly accident because a very bright light from a bus affected his judgment and swerved hitting a big pothole, immediately summersaulting the car. His Christmas holiday was spent in the hospital with bandages, stitches and POP.

9761 7080844046 0 300x168I have always been looking for a solution to this maze until my recent trip to China when I discovered this Anti-Reflective Night Vision Glasses. Unlike sunglasses or self-darkening lenses, which block some light, AR-coated glasses actually transmit more light – about 8 percent more. This improves vision at night and helps distinguish fine details during the day. This set of ophthalmic Night Vision glasses specifically designed to correct dark-induced myopia, reduce glare, contrast the dark blue surroundings without changing color perception and ultimately offer safer driving after dark.

459232124 3683c9976f MThe special ophthalmic lenses are shatter-resistant, provide complete UV-A and UV-B protection, and offer an anti-reflective treatment, which reduces glare and offers more accurate sight from dusk to dawn. Another beautiful thing about these glasses is that they are Triacetyl Cellulose (TAC) Polarized. TAC Polarized lenses will protect you from UV rays, glare and intense light. In combination with a reflection-free coating, polarized lenses are ideal for driving. Controlling any vehicle on the road is a sight response game where mistakes can cost you your life.

Polarized2Polarized49761 7080844046 1

I can not believe the driving experience in the night since I started using this pair of glasses. Simple and short, it is magnificent. If you are interested in owning one of these quality glasses, it costs Six Thousand Naira (N6000) only and comes with a 12 months warrantee. Unfortunately, we do not have plenty of it. Please, kindly click HERE to make your order (only order NOT enquiries). If you are interested in making more enquiries about this product, you may use the comment form below; please, only use the contact form if you are interested in making an order. On a last note, if you think safety is expensive, try the consequence of it. Have a lovely week!

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Infotainment Review
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....