
March 2, 2008


Scofield is back to prison in another season of exciting, fast pace, suspense-filled episode of “Prison Breaking”. This season is different just like the season in our lives are different and we all have experienced the prison in a proverbial sense but not everyone is willing act like Wentworth Miller’s Character in the Prison Break. There something about the film that reminds me of the poverty scenario in Nigeria and season “3” actually confirms a true solution to a lingering and a debilitating issue. Let’s start by breaking through the fundamentals of the Prison. The Prison is a place of confinement: A place or condition of captivity or unwanted restraint. The definition above clearly points to the fact that prison is not a place or position you would ordinarily not want to be in. To make it very clear, an example might be needed.



If I have a weakness like lust and I enjoy it and gain pleasure from it, this situation of lust is not a prison but if I despise this weakness and I am willing to live above it but I find myself constantly heeding to its whims and caprices then I am in a prison. The prison situation means you are conscious of the situation but you find yourself gravitating towards it. The realism of the prison is that you can be in the prison and be unwilling to break out of it because you believe that at a set time an external body would release you from the prison condition. This is definitely a delusion as most prison sentence can be life and the only way out is to break out of the mould that pulls you down. There is a revelation about the prison that you ought to know; whatever prison you are, (be it lust, fear, pride, anger, etc) would continue to entrap you unless gain a certain power higher than the power of prison.  



Gravity is a good example of the aforementioned position; since our bodies are made of dust, we gravitate towards the dust; everything gravitates towards its likeness. As an entrepreneur, I find myself easily attracted to entrepreneurs; this is the way the cookie crumbles. So a rocket remains in the influence of gravity unless it escapes the influence; Physics teaches us how the rocket escapes the gravity influence; it gains energy greater than the energy of the gravity by reaching an escape velocity point that requires it to push it out of the earth easily. It’s the same thing with the human prison condition; you need a higher force to get out of the force holding you down. It sounds simple but not as simple as it is. Let’s look at Scofield and understand the strategy he uses to break the physical prison that held him captive.


Whether it was Sona or Fox River Prison, Michael Scofield knew how to adapt to every situation and become the star of the show. Sona prison was more gruesome, brutish and the conditions were bizarre and bloody. The Characters were more real and the Panama prison was not a place you wish for your enemy. You could smell the poverty out of the plasma screen but Scofield was able to adapt to the situation and found himself proffering new solutions to their escape. He was able to network with the best of the best prisoners to get him out of the situation. His strategy was simple; the force necessary to get him out of the prison was greater than the force necessary to keep him in the prison. No matter the deterrent factors to his escape, he never relented in his escape plan; the forces keeping out of the prison were just too overbearing: nephew in the hands of the company, fellow inmates wanting to kill him and the prison environment was just much to keep him out of the prison. 


 This is the same strategy we need in Nigeria to free us from the barrage of poverty that engulfs the nation at a whole. We need not be too comfortable with the prison of poverty. We need to somehow create pressures to make poverty an unfavorable position to be in. We need to concentrate on wealth and wealth creation and the more we focus on it, we would develop the requisite energy to get to the escape velocity point and we easily escape the gravity of poverty. If you hang around original dollars too much, you would easily recognize the fake. So is breaking the prison of poverty; if you dream, sleep, eat and drive financial freedom and wealth creation, you have no choice but to escape poverty. This is an endearing principle that has been tested and trusted; focus on and get overwhelmed by your preferred freedom; you would see yourself automatically getting there. 


 Just like the Season “3” of Prison Break, POeTSolvers have decided to use this season concentrate various authentic financial literacy. This is the strategy adopted by POeTSolvers using various platforms to educate, inform and pressurize Nigerians to be financially liberated. We are also interested in filling the perspectives of Nigerian with legitimate and trusted investment vehicles so when the fake comes, it would be easy to distinguish them. We have decided to use the following platforms below: 





We would endeavor to educate willing Nigerians in the art of investment with sole aim of financial freedom. POeTSolvers have carefully chosen leverage investments that would require little or no capital to start. We would be exploring foreign investment from commodity trading like Gold, FOREX and Oil fuel futures in DGCX or CME and also tap into rare Nigerian Financial opportunities. We get mails frequently from Nigerian youths on self sufficient techniques and we have dug deep to proffer sustainable tactics to financial freedom. Free Financial Seminars would also be conducted for POeT Members


We have so many investment opportunity lined up for POeT Members and a few of them have been put up in the POeTSolvers Web Site while some have been kept for the POeT Members only. 



Aptitude Test:


We understand the difficulty of graduates to pass company aptitude test so we have researched and provided test formats for individual companies. We have made it easy for customers to book in our online shop and receive invoice for each transaction. 



Article Conference:


We believe in the deposit of wisdom that God has placed in every man so intend to walk the paths of ants by networking ideas together. We have dedicated this platform for all readers who have been asking me to place their articles on my site; this is a chance for those who are itching to show off their stuff and improve on their write-ups. It is also an avenue for great minds to come together and create a synergistic view to a particular topic. All manners of investment vehicles would be discussed. This is also an opportunity for site and blog owners to refer people to their site by dropping their old write-ups on the Article Conference. The Article Conference is a must read for workers who are bored at work, graduates searching alternatives to getting a job and for everyone who want to get updated on their financial literacy. We know we do not know everything on financial empowerment so every contribution matters a lot to make us financially educated.





We have decided to create an online teaching and training section on investment and other self –improvement sections. Vocal interviews would be aired, Authorized Investment Speakers would feature and I would also be speaking. For all those who have been eager to ear my voice; make sure you bookmark the podcast section and visit daily. It promises to be explosive, revelatory, mind boggling and expository. Anybody interested in sharing their podcast can also contact us with the contact form provided at the web site. 


Hot Jobs:


We are dedicated to bring you up to date job vacancies so our dear readers can be thoroughly informed on sides. You would be getting your Tuesday and Thursday papers as fast as possible and also bring you fresh job openings. Please, kindly bookmark this page. For interviews and other recruitment process, please, kindly review the Article Conference. 


 My birthday comes up on the 7th of March; last year I practically begged my reader for birthday gift. Only the few Nigerians abroad were willing to send me a gift but I declined based on the distance. This year, I have decided to offer the gift – POeTSolvers. This is my birthday gift to Nigerians and wishing you a financially free life as you journey through  Enjoy and let me have your feedback on the Article Conference…….   










Infotainment Review
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....