
December 6, 2006

Love vs. Feelings

I would be having guest bloggers in the house for the month of December to commemorate my six month anniversary. In view of this, we would be having an outstanding blogger today; check out her condensed profile and check out her write-up on “Love vs. Feelings”. You would definitely love her style; she is got packs of nuggets and flair.

Guest Blogger:  Angela

Occupation:      Mother

Web site:

Writing Style:   Bold and Inquisitive


Love has been described as a human experience that is manifested in feelings be it in behaviour, emotion or attitude to others in relationship or of one’s self.
The bible says Love is an attitude and action that is not determined by feelings or positive response from others deserving or undeserving. We can’t talk about Love and not quote 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 
 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails.
  Love is more than a feeling!
 Love is demonstrative, it’s active, because we have been and are loved by God.
It did not say you love because you feel like only or love only those that deserve your love, but love without expecting anything in return. By the way that can only be possible if you operate in God’s kind of love-Agape. The other kinds of love are lot more based on Feelings, a more self centered love-sexual desire and physical craving, Erotic love-Eros, affections in a loving concern to a friend- Plios 
When we realize that the best, safest and best kind of love is the God kind, not one base on feeling, cos feelings are changeable, unstable and can’t be truly trusted. They have the ability of distorting the truth.
Feelings are good indictors of Love, but still that can be tested…..
lets look at marriage which is made up of two people committed to one another in Love not feelings…..Marriage is not sustained by just the feelings you get in the earlier days of courtship, when your man/woman walks in to a room or you think about them…..Remember when you were dating and your partner could not upset, cos you felt so happy! looking in to there eyes and dreaming of a future with them forever…when he picks from your food at dinner you thought it was oh so cute…but couple of year into marriage that same thing you found cute now irritated you so!…Well feelings will not keep you married for long, cos you are guaranteed to have bumps along the way … In fact you will feel hate for your partner at some time in the journey of your marriage.
So what holds a marriage and keeps it strong during the times of shaking?  But a vow, a commitment, a decision.
Love is not optional….Feelings are…Love is foundation, a corner stone nothing can be built without it….Feeling are ever changing.
Which would you prefer to receive? Love or Feeling.
In my opinion I would take love every time…..what’s your take?


Guest Bloggers
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....