
August 17, 2006


“Your level of productivity determines your level of authority” – Pastor Poju Oyemade

I remember 4 years ago while working with an NGO in VI, my fiancée (now my wife) came to visit me in the office on a Saturday and we decided to go out. As we stood by the bus stop obviously waiting for a bus, a man driving a Benz 200 parked in front us offered her a ride and totally ignored me. She was so ashamed of situation, that she held my hand very tight, gave me a full hug and stayed that way. The man waited for a while, but was obviously surprised at the reaction and drove off. This was a turning point in my life; I resigned from the NGO and joined the bank.

I am sure you will be wondering where I am going with this article. Well, I read an article on a blog and the comments to the article x-rayed the thoughts of average Christians. If you are interested in the article and comments, click HERE. for comment, click HERE for the topic GIRLS ON BOYS


I have heard various staunch Christian ladies and gentleman declare that they cannot marry certain men or women. This is certainly not an issue except the underlying reason is always an outward brand of personality; does he/she have a car, is he/she looking fresh, is she wearing a Jimmy Shoo or he wearing a Tommy Suit? Great as these things may be, they influence the lives of a great number of choices especially the partner you want to spend your life with. This bothers me a lot, not with the choices which are obviously unreal, but with the thoughts of an average Christian.


Can you imagine a Deeper Live Brother who holds on to the tenets of his denomination very strongly declare that he can never marry from his denomination? Or an ever-present sister in church tells her fellow sister that she can never marry a pastor that she listens to. This is paradoxical but on a deeper level, you will understand the major reason behind it.A colleague (A strong Christian) told me once he was not too interested in money but I was surprised when he was angry that another colleague did not take him in his car. Why the anger?


I believe Christians complicate issues a lot. These are very simple issues if one sits down and take a good look at one self. Why go on a self sacrificing mission when your desire is somewhere else? Do you do it to please another human like yourself? Let’s get real and face the issues of our lives. Simplify it and live by the ethics of God. God simplified the law by saying you should love your neighbour as yourself and Jesus gave the highest commendation to non-Christians on basis of our Christian faith – the Centurion and the Syrophoenician woman because they understood the inherent principles despite being outsiders. I actually read an article on Mastery from a smoker and the principles were the principles of mastering anything in life. To read it, click HERE.

Lets take a deeper look at issues, examine ourselves, filter off what we don’t want, listen to our subconscious even if we are not aware of our desires and take decisions in the light of the Spirit. We are expected to be the light of the world, the highest mountain exalted above the hills where nations flow to and men should be asking and thirsting for our God………



The God Factor
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....