
May 30, 2014

Business Analyst vs. Six-Sigma Belt

“Is Green Belt a prerequisite to Black Belt?” and my answer is always “NO”. The follow-up question; “Then, why the ranking in position?” Whichever, one you take depends on how comfortable you are with Statistical Analysis? The delegate’s usual fear of Arithmetic always prompts me to suggest Business Analyst rather than the Six Sigma genre. Well, since they both deal with customer-centric process analysis absent the techniques and tools – those who fear Statistical Analysis, should be comfortable with Object Oriented Analysis. Men, was I totally wrong!








I realize that if you do not have a flair for Analysis, you really cannot be good with either Statistical or Object Oriented. This revelation blew my mind. So what is Analysis? According to my MAC Book Pro dictionary, it is process of separating something into constituent elements – doing a detailed examination on the element, typically for discussion or interpretation. This skill (which I believe everyone should possess) is not utilized amongst many men. The whole concept of being good at “something” is when one makes a conscious effort to develop that “something”.




Apart from the higher salary that the Black Belt position commands, some industry observers believe that a Business Analyst skill can easily be taken over by a Black Belt. This is another false assumption – Cursorily, this seems true especially when we analyze and match the two positions – and since the Black Belt’s techniques and tools, seems almost the same and more advance than the Business Analyst. However, it is not the absolute skill but the application of such tools in solving daily challenges in given tasks that separate the two.





My conclusion is this – they are separate entities and whichever, career position you pick, choose the one that makes you comfortable….

About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....