Dipo Talks
Use the MP3 player below to play Dipo Tepede.POeT podcasts (audio files) directly from your web browser. You may click the alternatively link below of each title to download and save a copy of the file to your computer for later listening.
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1. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #001 – Why do Guys Fall for the Wrong Ladies?
2. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #002 – 5 Latent Investment Leverages
3. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #003 – Fire Your Boss
4. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #004 – Analyzing the Stock Market
5. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #005 – Prison Break
6. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #006 – Money Tonic
7. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #007 – The Pension Hoax
8. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #008 – Multiple Streams of Income
9. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #009 – How To Buy A Land
10. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #010 – The Bullion Way
11. Dipo Tepede.POeT Podcast #011 – Warren Buffet and Bill Gates
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I subscribe to your thought, you bless my soul this morning. But i was unable to download the podcast
Good evening Sir,
I always follow your good programme. Please sir, I got an offer to study Msc in International Business management at Bradford University in the United Kingdom. I want you to help me with a scholarship to enable me actualised my dreams. Continue your good work. If you want details of my offer letter i will be happy to send it down to you.
Hi Dipo, how can i go about the program, am base in Abuja i can’t come for the lectures in Lagos – its expensive travelling and the safety involved, but i can write the exams in Lagos, can the material be enough for the study, thanks.
Kindly give me details- thank you
Hi dipo, I want to be pmp certified, what should I do?
Do I need to take the CAPM program first, also the 20,000 naira fee for the CAPM program is the exam inclusive? Where can I take a program on HRM?
Akpos n
Oga Dipo, It is like you have stopped taking feedback on Nospetco issue.
Kindly reconsider, this is the only information board for the investors that still keep hope alive.
God Bless
Dear Mr Dipo Tepede,
You might find my words insulting or critical .I do not know what motivates you to write articles or write ups on relationships but i must tell you that you must be careful and thoughtful writing articles on relationships.you might have a website to write your views about different topic but i suggest you let people know that they are your views and if not thoroughly reseached can be misleading and might speak to men with self righteous mindset.
I also listened to the podcast #001 WHY DO GUYS FALL FOR THE WRONG LADIES and laughed so loud as i listened to your points .
P lease God found that Adam was lonely and created Eve from dust and rib
from adam.note:adam called her flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones.they were equall in each others eyes but wired differently for different purposes which we all know about.Genesis 2:15,18 to 25.the fall:adam forgot Gods instructions on the consequences of disobedience,he did not communicate Gods instructions to eve effectively the consequences since he was the first to be mentored by God and he did not take responsibility for the results of his faulty communications.
Helpmeet means help mate
Woman as a helpmate
a woman helps the man interprete his vision or bring to life his vision.
note most important quality a woman or wife must posses
1:she must be supportive
loving ,understanding etc
how many men are aware of their purpose and vision on earth or even about themselves? the problems and cultural and traditional mind set have left them disenchanted .
self awareness should come before purpose.man should study himself and strive for personal and spiritual growth in every aspect of his life to balance the constant changes and also to be fulfilled in his life before he finds a life partner who can complement his strenghts for his purpose.
(lack of self awareness and purpose)
(little or no knowledge of what they want in a relationship)
(inability to undersand the womans wiring,her purpose and strenghts so as to compliment each other for their growth
will continue later.
you could do with a lot of enthusiasm in your speech!
[…] There are many life lessons I picked up from this final episode tagged «Final Break» that I would love to share with you. These lessons are very instructive to my cause on financial freedom: You may listen to my previous podcast on Prison Break by clicking HERE […]
this is just the best.
I like the podcast 005. Weldone
This is a very good initiative Dipo. I commend this ingenuity and pray that God will continue to bless you with great wisdom.