All posts by: Dipo Tepede

About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....

December 21, 2007


“It is like a tiny muster seed! Though this is one of the smallest seeds, it grows to become one of the largest of plants, with long branches where birds can build their nests and be sheltered” – Jesus illustrating the Kingdom of God in Mark 4: 32    In just one and half years, my […]

Blogging Blog
December 14, 2007


“Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue … as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.” – Viktor Frankl, the great Austrian psychiatrist.  Lanre was my colleague. He always teaches me wisdom through his action; he is a young guy my age, married with a baby […]

December 12, 2007

The Winning Factor

“To live through an impossible situation, you don’t need the reflexes of a Grand Prix driver, the muscles of a Hercules, the mind of an Einstein. You simply need to know what to do.”    -  Anthony Greenbank     Mathew surprised me with the character he displayed when he had to give-up his job and face […]

December 7, 2007

And ECASH Dwindles

“A word is too much for the wise” – Dipo Tepede As the year approaches its climax, I started reviewing all my investments from fixed deposits, HYIPs, MLMs, Shares in NSE, imported goods, direct investments in small business, properties, Insurance, Third Party Forex Management and well, I am hoping to invest in mutual funds but I […]

Blogging Blog
December 2, 2007

NNC bags Land Deal

I just got back from Uyo for my father-in-laws burial and I saw the mail below in my in box. My first reaction was to log into my NNC profile and secure as many plots of land as I can but I decided against it. I knew I was only thinking with my business instinct […]

Infotainment Review
November 29, 2007


DCC has failed on their promise to pay winners of their program twice. First, DCC promised to pay every 20th of every month due to security issue but they failed to do well on this promise by indicating to their winners that they have processed their payment. This happened not to be true as their […]



When This Day Newspaper came up with their Music Festival importing artists from the United States to grace our humble stages in Nigeria, it was regarded as an unprecedented act though it was received with mixed feelings. The high point of the events was not the caliber of first rated musicians from Beyonce, Jay-Z, P.Diddy, […]

Infotainment Review
November 25, 2007


I was in OAU, Ife over the weekend to speak to a group of Final Year Student concerning Life outside the Four Walls of University. After an enriching and insightful meeting, I was immediately accosted by some other group of students that wanted to meet me with regards to NNC; they wanted to know what […]

Infotainment Review


It was some years ago as I am no longer certain when I was faced with two beautiful ladies in Lagos Sheraton Hotel; one was a Briton and the other a Nigerian. The room was 519 and it commanded an air of warmth despite the harsh Air Conditioning finding its way through my St. Michael’s […]

Blogging Blog
November 22, 2007


“You would always have the poor among you,” – Jesus speaking to his disciples in Mathew 26: 11   In the world of business today where competition forces every business outfit to venture the creative plane, out-of-box thinking would slowly become the norm. I have personally taking my time to understand why everybody can never […]

Infotainment Review
November 16, 2007

Moving Ahead or Just There

Please, kindly read ABORTION 2 before proceeding to read the article below. When you meet your classmates of your former institution and gist starts evolving; a time in the conversation comes when you ask of one of your classmates not available at the meeting. “How far with Lagbaja?” “Lagbaja has moved ahead, he is now […]

November 14, 2007

Stayin on ur Track

Its funny how easily the desire to be like others, have what others have or possibly dominate others seem to be the driving force for many. Well I will have to admit that I have found myself doing these many times throughout my life’s journeys. I have always had this athletic build which meant I […]

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