All posts by: Dipo Tepede

About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....

January 11, 2017

Project Management Scholarship

We are offering Project Management Scholarships to Nigerians who require financial aid to equip their career with Project Management methods and software skills. This program is targeted at those who are interested in joining our Scheduled Classroom Program completely FREE or at a reduced cost. For details to participate in this program, see below:     […]

Infotainment Review
January 9, 2017

One Thing about MMM Investment

“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” — Mark Twain   The room was stuffy but thirty five of us were eager to be there. As far as I can remember, I have never heard of such thing before – Free Mathematics Lesson. As a rational Muslim, I had no interest in the Christian content […]

Infotainment Review
January 4, 2017

Developing An Effective Business Case

This workshop is focused on entrepreneurs or startups. For clarity sake: A Startup is a human institution designed to create a new product or service under condition of extreme uncertainty. To re-enforce the aforementioned, entrepreneurial is simply the process of turning intangible ideas into usable product hence the workshop targets professionals working within large corporations […]

Infotainment Review
November 21, 2016

What is the Cut Score for PMP Test?

Just like any assumption, the passing percentage of 61% has become the baseline reference. However, there has been no official statement from the Project Management Institute (PMI), regarding the passing percentage for the PMP Test. This forces candidates to take the test blindly with no prior expectation on the cut score. One sure disadvantage to […]

Blogging Blog
October 31, 2016

2017 PMP Exam Schedule in Nigeria

Imagine you in your dream job in 5 years, then work backwards figuring out how you got there. You will realize that education is one of the important drivers to filling this gap. Every new found capability finds its root in one form of education or the other. It is imperative for professionals aspiring to […]

Infotainment Review
October 19, 2016

5 Project Management Courses on Sale

PMtutor is offering discounts on five of its high quality courses to only 4 interested delegates per course. Some of these courses are newly introduced while the rest have been totally revamped to improve on previous version. These courses are chosen based on our past delegates’ positive feedback, ROI, market demand and value. Putting the […]

Infotainment Review
October 6, 2016

5 Things to Know Before Getting Lean Six Sigma Certified

I just barely woke up at 10.00am in the morning when I received a random call from a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) certified student about the promotion he just received from his bank. He was obviously excited, as he could not wait to thank me for convincing him to go for the training vis-à-vis the […]

August 29, 2016

Why Choose a Project Management Career?

“Project Management, like Driving, cannot be learned through reading.”   A career can become irrelevant if it does not align to the trending dominant demand of the organization. Simply put; “Follow the Pain Not the Money” when finding longevity and ways to bulletproof your career choice. Every organizational need includes a strategy to combat competitive […]

August 23, 2016

Build a Successful Project Management Career

“Project Management, like Driving, cannot be learned through reading.”   PMtutor Internship Program (PIP) is a 3-month intensive Practical Project Management coaching that mirrors on-the-job training and experience. At the end of the program, candidates would demonstrate a working knowledge of tools and techniques needed to manage a successful project. The program is limited to […]

Infotainment Review
August 17, 2016

Microsoft Project or Primavera P6

Primavera P6 (P6) leads Microsoft Project (MSP) in market penetration by 58% share in the Middle East and 64% share in the United States according to (Vukomanović et al, 2012). In making an investment or career decision, it is important to understand the fundamental difference between the two popular Project Management Software (PMS) and the […]

Infotainment Review
August 12, 2016

Public Education Service in Nigeria

“Everything remains at rest or in the same speed and direction of motion unless an unbalanced force (a force which is distant from the reference point) affects it” – Newton’s First Law of Motion also called Law of Inertia   In the wake of the ban by Federal Ministry of Education on the collection of […]
