
February 22, 2013

How important is Project Management to career advancement?

I was recently invited to a bank retreat to share on Project Management. The Credit Analysis department sponsoring the retreat wanted me to demystify Project Management in 2-hours so their staffs could adequately and effectively communicate with their vendors. Since the financial aspect went well during negotiations, I did not immediately envision the task ahead – How can I teach 35- hours benchmark training in 2-hours?






“The person who cannot see the ultimate becomes a slave to the immediate” – Miles Munroe





While digging deep for a solution, I realized the importance of the problem I was facing and how this could be a great opportunity for me. This also led to the question of the importance of Project Management for personal effectiveness like career advancement and growth.





Everybody that wants to succeed has a goal, a dream or a vision. The chasm between the goal and its implementation is Project Management.



A project is any temporary endeavor that produces a unique result compared to operational work that is permanent and produces repetitive results. A project is a prerequisite of operations – Before an operation becomes viable, the project must have been successful – it is the unique result that eventually becomes repetitive result.




To manage is simply to control.




Putting the two words together – “Project” and “Management” – you have controlling a temporary endeavor to give you a unique result.




Our careers are in stages or phases (whichever one you prefer) – When you leave school to begin your career, there is a temporary endeavor between graduating from school and your first job – the first position and subsequent positions at work – moving from your present company to an ideal company – leaving your company to be on your own. How efficiently and effectively you manage these temporary periods will guarantee your success in life.




It’s becoming clear and clear to me that Project Management will become a prerequisite skill to obtain any job in the world just like computer appreciation was about 20 years ago.




Have a nice day!





For comprehensive Project Management Training in March, kindly click HERE



Are you a Youth Corper interested in FREE Project Management Training, kindly click HERE

About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....