
December 20, 2012

5 Ways to recognize your True Calling

I made a categorical statement the last time I blogged – Financial Intelligence cannot be taught. I premised the above statement on the fact that the best route to financial independence is through your dreams or what I will call your true calling – What you were brought to this earth to achieve. Not everybody is favored to walk this path of destiny but those who have, know the true meaning of fulfillment.





In as much as financial independence is one of the metrics of true achievement – it is neither the only metric nor the most important as most peeps will assume. An x-ray into some Cooperate Staff motivation theories will give pointers to this submission – Maslow asserts that Self-Actualization is the peak of all human motivations while Heinzberg says Cooperate Staffs will always get dissatisfied and demotivated by salaries and remuneration.



In my little experience in life, I have recognized 5-ways that an average person can recognize his true calling:



  1. Spend time with your Maker

Your maker knows why he made you. Spending time with your maker guarantees following the path he intends for you. Just like Martha in the Bible, the busyness of life bogs us down and defines our existence – we prefer the busyness to sitting still and listening to our maker. The perception is confusing busyness to hard work and sitting still to laziness.




  1. Talent

What you can easily do that others find hard to do. The challenge is when you discover people who can do the said “talent” better than you. This creates confusion and discourages you from developing this talent. This is why your talent is not the only indicator to your true calling – it a combination of some of the things listed below but you must surely exhibit some form of talent towards your true calling.




  1. Attraction to Craft

We all know the story – he gets a bad experience and makes it his life purpose to solve the issue.  There is always a strong attraction to our calling in life. Peer Pressure and financial conditions may distract us but we know what we are attracted to. It really does not matter what causes the attraction, a string affinity to do something noble gears us towards our true calling.




  1. Peace of Mind

Peace does not literarily mean absence of war but maintaining calmness in the presence of a raging storm. No matter the confusion and complain, you seem to maintain a sense of optimism and hope about the path. Following the path may appear crazy to other people and the future may even appear bleak but you maintain a strong conviction about the path you have taken.



  1. Peoples’ Willingness and Favor

One scripture in the Bible that I hold very dearly is; “The people shall be willing in the day of thy power” (Psalm 110 – 3). This is a strong indication that you are on the right path. What most people call achievement, is simply a Gift from God. You get unusual favor that you know is beyond your strength or power. Relationships that matter become coincidental and scaling requires little effort.



Though this 5-pointers are not exhaustive, I hope they help you towards your dreams and your calling.



Enjoy the holiday!

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About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....