
April 17, 2012

Are U Frustrated with Work?

For the past week, I have been getting calls and emails from guys who want more out of life rather than the 8-6, Mon-Fri, work cycle; I could detect frustration and hopelessness in their voice viz-a-viz the emails. I have been in this position several times in my life while in paid employment and most times than not I end up getting more frustrated than I initially bargain especially when financial responsibility comes into the equation; it most of time appears as if I am trapped like the lab rat.




First things first, whenever there is a nudging within you that does not just seems to go away; it clearly indicates that something is wrong with your present level of operation hence a desire to move to a higher level. Most times, the people who experience this discomfort interpret it to mean their present condition and situation is not good enough and immediately passes the buck of responsibility to it. Check: this interpretation may be right but their emotional and ‘un-analytical’ response may be flawed.




869290964 336e6d0ab6 MThe need to grow is paramount to life and whenever you stop growing; your spirit recognizes this and nudges you to keep growing. When you have mastered your work load or job function, your whole world becomes boring and the need to learn more forces you to blame your work environment; your passion starts to wane and the only compensation is your salary; you will then realize that salary cannot quench the hunger for growth but like the lab rat, you have nowhere to turn to.




On the scale of motivation, I have made an assertion in the paragraph above that “Progress” is better than financial compensation. Though this may not be apparent but the need to progress is the reason you sought for the job in the first place. If you can truly comprehend this, you would realize that half of the issue is already solved. The other half is implementing a “progress” strategy rather than an “exit” strategy; the story below may elucidate this point:




4337036131 0d1027e091 MProgress is subjective in nature; it is imperative to bring your future dreams to the present and work at the pending dangers that may occur. Providing a solution to what may go wrong and implementing a personal program that could eliminate such future mishap would surely eradicate the lethargy that is derived from work place. You could add a certification to the mix (Project Management? click HERE), learn a new language, join a marketing program, stretch yourself and go beyond your comfort zone because that is the only route to growth. Have a lovely week!

About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....