
June 15, 2009


2449986207_f0e9d5ab97_mShock actually begets me when I reviewed the data from a Microfinance research on business outfits with the highest weekly turnover in my area (which I can regard as a suburb). I could see the relevant of this type of research to a Microfinance bank whose sole interest is in preventing bad loans but for someone like me; my primary focus is in the right business to invest in. the data was actually revealing with Church ranked as number one business outfit with the highest weekly turnover and Baba Ijebu was ranked number 2.

My assumptions of peoples’ need prior to reading this research was very wrong; I realize that it is these assumptions that have made me loses in some of my business undertakings. This revelation further confirmed to me that no matter how juicy a business deal may sound or appear, research is very important; no assumptions, no emotions, just plain fact! I assumed the highest ranked would revolve around the basic needs of a Nigerian like food, shelter, clothing, communication, transportation and education. Wow! I was even more shocked when I saw the 3rd ranked – Beer parlor/prostitute joint (well, that’s the way they placed it).

Ok, let’s forget about this data for a while and concentrate on my topic today – Baba Ijebu. For most of you who do not have the faintest idea of what Baba Ijebu is, let me attempt to define it as “lay manish” as possible, Baba Ijebu is a local lotto outfit where you can play with as little as ten naira and win from thousands to millions. Their offices are characterized with small kiosk and a red machine based on smart card technology for placing your number. Why is this local lotto business doing well when a large lotto business like the Lagos Lotto floated by the Ibru family failed? (A food for thought!).

My main concern is not actually with the business but the consumers that make the business exist in the first place. Why do people patronize this stuff a lot? I quizzed some mechanics and petit traders, who are obviously fans of Baba Ijebu and their answers were similar and boils down to the fact that they can reap a lot without going through the process of building anything. This is thus the psychology of an average Nigeria and it is safe to say the Baba Ijebu exist in human nature. Why build when you can circumvent the process and any platform that can help you circumvent the process is a winning formula.

As I thought hard and long about the two speaking engagements I was invited to this coming weekend (one in Lagos and the other in Enugu), I realize the importance of shaping the minds of youths. I realize that if we can shape peoples’ expectations, then it would be easy to transit the challenges of building. Building (whether relationships, business, career, family, etc) is regarded as a hard, painful (removing you from your comfort zone) and a long process so many people try as much as possible to avoid it. Anything good that is accompanied by joy and fulfillment follows the following five stages:

The Inspiration Stage:

93679057_6d10cad27c_mThis is the phase that you get inspired to pursue a dream; indecision becomes your best pal; should I ask her out? Is it the right time to start the business? My heart leans towards this course but I have hardly seen any successful person that followed this path. We are mostly held back because the dream seems far ahead but just when we are about to give up, miraculously we start getting confirmation from various sources. This particular stage is very important because voices are quite deceptive; you cannot tell which one is from within or which one you picked from your physical environment. This stage acts as the foundation of any building so it is important not to jump the gun. Spend time with God and you will get a confirmation that would drain all doubts.

The Honeymoon Stage

42505324_076b6b0547_mThis is the stage when you finally take the plunge and you are finally excited about your decisions. You will be wondering why you spent so much time in the Inspiration Stage. For a young believer, this is when everything he petitions for works our favorably; for lady that just got married, her husband is the best thing that has ever happened to her since slice bread. This stage can last from one month to as long as five years. Everything is exciting, everything is new, and you’re running on adrenalin. You infatuate over the idea of your new venture; if it’s business, you will be dreaming of the mountains of wealth you are going to create with it.

The Reality Stage

288695593_8a329143c5_mIn this stage, you realize things are not as rosy as you envisioned; panic sets in – the business isn’t making nearly as much money as you thought it would. In fact, it’s either losing money big time or barely breaking even. As if for the first time, you noticed the flaws of your spouse and these flaws are affecting you big time. From the point where you stood, everything looks grim and there seem to be no hope in sight. For employees who gave up their jobs to start business; they start freaking out and contemplating going back to beg for their old job back. This phase is where most people give up and quit; this is where the men are separated from the boys. This is where intimacy is lost in a marriage for most Nigerians but for guys in the developed countries, divorce is imminent.

The Judgment Stage

2587924558_6c5e4b4504_mIf you are persistent enough to get to this stage, the question that would continue to arise from your heart is “is it worth it?” The business is starting to take off, but unlike you fantasized during the honeymoon phase the business isn’t as easy to run as you thought. You get constantly challenged, and they start to weight your options. You would realize the enormous responsible of being in a relationship and the question keeps haunting you “is it worth it?” And after a while, the question stops then acceptance. The acceptance that the fantasy you once envisioned during the honeymoon stage didn’t come to fruition, but after all the hardships and all the hard work you realizes that it has been worth it. Every moment has been worth it. You would naturally move to the next stage.

The Comprehension Stage

2892058635_da341cba5fYou now have a good understanding of what it means to be free because you would emerge to a new playing field. If you are in business, you would start to make more profit in a week than most people make in a year. If it is a marriage relationship, you would understand the importance of a spouse and how you can leverage to create the happiness you deserve. You would be on autopilot and you would be on the “escape velocity” frame. You would boldly tell guys to join you on this exciting path (well, you did not think it was exciting in the Reality Stage). You would easily forget what you went through to get to where you are and you would have the Midas touch in this particular field.

I realized that I have stopped at the Reality Stage for some projects in my life and the successes I have in life is when I transit the Reality Stage. Transiting this stage does not mean doing nothing and expecting to jump to the Judging stage; it requires giving the same thing another shut with an innovative perspective. Most people are deceived by marriage; because people are living together does not mean they are fulfilling the marriage requirement; the marriage may have ended and they are living together due to either children or social pressure. The reality stage is what most guys cannot just get through; they quit and look for another project to keep them from facing the reality and when this other project reaches the reality stage, they also quit. The pattern becomes so eminent that Baba IJEBU seems like the way out. Which particular stage are you?

Infotainment Review
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....