
March 22, 2009

Let’s talk GOLD

3100840074_297047f5ee_mBernie Madoff has pled guilty last week to the 11 count charges of fraud that was levied against him. For those who have been following the story in the media, this has been regarded as the largest fraud ever committed by a single person; about 65 billion USD of investors’ funds gone. You could literarily see the anguish on the faces of the investors (like the picture above); the betrayal, the trust and worst of all, their life savings; all down the drain. There was a sudden reversal in the net worth of most of the investors; a 70year old man who retired as an executive in a Multinational company found himself working in a fast food restaurant; charity organizations lost all their research funds and credibility; examples are numerous.


Madoff’s fiasco is a huge lesson for the world to learn from and one very key lesson to embrace is the concept of Diversification especially when it comes to your life savings. Where and how you diversify your funds is a crucial decision that must not be taken in a haste. There are various schools of thought on the best way to go about investing your funds; some believe you need to put all your eggs in one basket and guide it with your life while others believe in spreading your eggs in various baskets. Both have their advantages and disadvantages; IMHO, my leanings tend to diversification.


In a meeting once, I shared the importance of diversifying your funds to hedge uncertainty; I was actually speaking to entrepreneurs who were bothered about constant funds coming in and not knowing what tomorrow holds for whatever projects they were in. Diversifying your funds gives you a certain confidence that one of the projects running for you would definitely yield fruits. Ecclesiates Chapter 11 in the bible is one of my favorite read which elaborates more on sowing; verse 6 describes diversifying as the best way to control your destiny.


A high percentage of workers place their monies in stocks because of the confidence they have in it. The funny part about this scenario is that more frauds are committed in the stock exchange than any other investment vehicle I know; listed companies do so manythings to falsify their branding and financial position to increase their share price; insider trading, paying slightly higher salaries to cronies, making small changes to financial reports, doctoring documents,etc but most people don’t care at all. The overall economy of the nation suffers more from the irregularities of the listed companies than the Madoff’s.


2663266964_cf325fe27d_mI am not interested in changing your minds about stocks but I am pleading with you to diversify you hard earned cash so you will not end up like the first picture above. I am going to introduce you to one of the oldest and the safest investment in the world; GOLD! Buying and selling of bullion gold. Some guys are already reaping the fruits of this investment in a covert manner. All they have is a laptop, an internet connection and a domicilliary account and all these guys are working their normal 8am-4pm jobs (they work in Oil companies). These guys are surely not letting people unto this secret even most of their colleagues don’t know about it.


This is the way the world works; the world waits for someone to show them how they make  legal money; when that have been ascertained, they all jump to it and by this time, it becomes too late: Warren Buffet made most of his money his money through stocks, the world followed; Bill Gates made most of his money through PC software, the world followed; Richard Branson diversified into numerous companies to make his billion, the world is following; JK Rowlings wrote a book and became a billionaire (in USD), the world is following; Carlos Slim Helu invested in telecoms and made billions, the world followed; Donald Trump majored in real estate to become a billionaire, the world jumped into it and the list continues…..


However, there are some silent billionaires that Forbes don’t know about; these ones are far more than the ones that are listed in Forbe’s richest men in the world. They are very silent and live in places like Africa, the Arab land, India, etc where their assets can never be readily documented. I know that in almost everything in life, the silent ones are more than the ones in the radar. In the bible, when Elijah was told that 7000 people had not bowed to baal apart from him, he was definitely shocked. On this site alone, the people that use my contact form are far more than the people that make comment. The people that really reaped NOSPETCO have done so anonymously before the influx of people. More people just prefer to do things anonymously.




1439804758_29d8c27ae6_mThis simply tells you that there are things that are going on now that you really know nothing about it. I have learnt about Gold trading for two years now and nobody knows about it; this particular one involves a minimum of ten thousand USD to participate in it but a year ago, an Oil worker friend introduced me to one that needed just fifty USD to participate in it. I was shocked how legal it was to particicpate in it and nobody had caught on. People buy gold in the mode of jewelry while some smart guys are making money from bullion gold with just a tap on their laptop.


I am still not spilling the beans on this one because it would require some training to fully grab it. I need to pick up my Range Rover Sport this year and I realize that it is better to work in a team. I need ten ambitious smart guys to join me in learning the secrets of Gold Trading in a training session I would be organizing. I need a few people to create a team because team work is essential to compensate for blind spots, information dissemination, spectrum of perspectives, etc


Venue: Imperial Chinese Restaurant, Ajose Adeogun, VI

Date: Saturday, 4th April, 2009

Time: 12.00 p.m. prompt

Price: Thirty Thousand Naira Only (N30, 000. 00)

Payment Deadline: Tuesday, 31st of March, 2009

Runtime: 90 mins of Practical session, 20 mins of Lunch and Bonding, 40 minutes of discussion

Accessory: Laptop with WIFI (not mandatory)



Highlights of Events



1. The trader of the day goes home with one Bally Leather bag valued at thrity five thousand naira only



2. Every participant gets a mini DVD Box set of Donald Trump’s Aprentice – Season 1-7



3. Every participant gets a complimentary copy of my book; Commodity Trading for Start-Ups



4. Every participant is given one gram of gold to practice with




Infotainment Review
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....