
October 24, 2010

MTN Bloggers Meeting

Faceb67306 10150102359549951 810394950 7414512 5389088 N 300x201It was sponsored purely by MTN, coordinated by Deolu Akinyemi and that is me (above in trado) collecting the grand prize of a Compaq laptop donated by MTN (it was a raffle draw oh!). Ok, seriously, how did I feel about this meeting? First of all, on a personal level, this meeting further concretizes the dream I always have about blogging and its future role in the Nigerian economic landscape. In Nigeria, the successes of email platforms, forums and the social networks cannot be compared to the potential leverage that blogging can give to any product or service.

It is common sense that “word of mouth” is the most effective form of advertisement albeit the cost effective nature. Every successful brand manager strives to create hype that causes their product to reach its tipping point. If people are not talking about your product, you might well be wasting your resources on the advertisement platform you are currently deploying. When you integrate blogging campaign into your advertising strategy, you are sure to target the influencers of your society especially those that enjoy collecting information and disseminating it.

A58521 109580782435919 100001519940407 73902 1862569 NWith the right blogging campaign, you can get people talking about your product and hence, you may have achieved sustained brand equity. After leaving the cooperate world and engaging in helping small businesses to grow; I realize how powerful blogging can be – penetrating the Nigerian market with unpopular products (now getting popular) like Car Vacuum Cleaner, Mini Washing Machine, Night-Vision Glasses, Massagers, Electromates and the lists goes on. I have equally had success promoting the Real Estate Sector (e.g. estate lands @ ikorodu), Educational Seminars (e.g. project management), and Telecoms sector (e.g. Mobile2mobile).

Secondly, though this strategic meeting centered on standardizations and framework of advertisement fee to potential clients, I began to see possibilities of where this blogging platform can take anybody that is ready to make it work. It is a highly untapped industry that started as a hobby for most of those present in the meeting. I cannot thank MTN enough for sponsoring this meeting because this meeting raised my sight and will make me deploy my energies in the right direction. Also thanx to Deolu and all the participants present for making it a wonderful meeting: The publishers of the following blogs were present:

Faceb73560 10150102359734951 810394950 7414517 5644589 N 300x201Faceb67429 10150102359669951 810394950 7414514 7407207 N 300x201

If you are interested in learning the trade of blogging and getting a deeper understanding on how gain multiple streams of income through the internet, I will advise you to join the Life Transforming Internet Workshop taking place this Friday. If you want full details on the workshop, kindly click HERE. The workshop goes for N3900 but if you are interested in a further 50% discount, kindly contact me by clicking HERE. Have a lovely week!

Infotainment Review
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....