
May 2, 2006

Maximize Life2……..

Boredom. What are the solutions to this particular condition a man experiences when he is not in an excited state or place of perpetual interest. Is it everybody that gets bored?
I have attended seminars, read books and even engage in voluntary services but I still get bored. This is the time when thoughts that are unproductive fills your mind and inspires you to action regretful decisions. Is there a way to eliminate this state of mind in a persons life?

I will get back to this very interesting topic but I would love to finish my anecdote which supports the fact that a person that undergoes obstacle stretches oneself and increases in human endeavour. Just a reminder; I took up a boring job based on economic reason and came out a champion;

I take time out everyday after rendering service to customers through telephony to analyse the kind of calls I receive. After a month of analysis, I found out that 90% of the calls were issues surrounding Profit Max Plus- a product that was majorly used by Commercial Telephone Operators (CTO) for commercial purpose. The basic information sought for by the CTOs are their daily usage for the month in anticipation for the double bonus promised them by Globacom; if they could use a maximum of N30,000.00 worth of traffic. Due to this development, traffic into the call center was very high and invariable more CCRs were employed but the traffic remained slow and the task became more daunting.

I immediately sought for an alternative to solve the CTOs issue. I proposed a scheme where the customers could easily obtain their information without calling into the call center. The scheme was based on convenience and free access which will encourage the customers to use the scheme. The scheme was a USSD solution where customers type in a number, using the line they wanted the information from, on the phone and immediately their present usage for the month was shown to them. This made me popular to management and I was recommended for an interview as a Business Planning Analyst in Glo Gateway- the international carrier service for Globacom. This position was meant for an MBA in a prestigious university but after my innovation and 4 interviews, I was eventually offered the position.

This position was my dream job as it exposed me to International Business and made use of all my innate and learned skills. There was no economic incentive but the position wielded influence, knowledge and opportunity for continuous learning which was my basic core value. Within months, I have learned so much in business processes, negotiations, telecoms vocabulary, software acquisition, presentations, etc. The climax to the advantage of this position is being exposed to global business-I practically have to learn the cultures, languages,festivals, history, holidays of almost every country in the world in order to maximize revenue for the company. Traveling out of the country was recommended in order to make physical contacts with partners like carriers, vendors, suppliers and electronic market operators. I have decided to learn French to increase my effectiveness in closing deals especially with West African countries which are predominantly French Speaking (Francophone).

This job has given me a global perspective to life; I no longer look at renumeration in Naira but in Dollars. I strongly believe that when one endeavour to change the situation he finds himself, he is a champion. My mind has been developed, it is matter of time before the money starts rolling in. Maximize Life 3, continues……………………………………….

Blogging Blog, Infotainment Review
About Dipo Tepede

I am a Project Management coach. I specialize in making delegates pass any Project Management certification at first try. I successfully achieve this fit through practical application of the knowledge and integration of our Project Management eLearning school at Welcome to my world.....